Mytraveltips-any kind goods which shall be taken in while travelling goes to a region at Indonesian, don't care whatever activity type that will be done? Perhaps available one opines, money can solve everything. So, take money only was enough. In condition particular, money is no use if needful goods not available at local marketing.
Following goods that shall ever there is in Your knapsack.
Id card as KTP (islandic sign card) or Driving License (driving licence). Without id card, You can experience problem while meet by intermediate police do razia, while checks in at hotel, or while will lease vehicle.
Cash for condition of emergency at purilieus. To amount to back packer experienced keep cash at hiden bags at undresses or their knapsack. In condition emergency, e.g. at location whereabouts charge plate or debit can't be utilized, reserve capital of that secret bag can really help.
HAT, black eye glass, and moistening to protect skin of the sun shines sting.
Strong booth shoe and slippered or thong
Key for case or bag. Case, bag, or knapsack shall ever in condition keyed by prevents its happening theft.
Bag emptying to takes in Your expense goods,present,or handycrafts while goes home to house.
Eared seal tool. This tool is beneficent if Your not wants to be troubled by wake up call's bell voice in the morning.
DENTAL floss, tampons, and shaving cream
Jacket anti water
Medicine anti malaria and mosquito medicine. Still a lot of place at Indonesian one constitutes malaria endemic region.
One case or cloth. Cloth will of a lot of benefit as can become hat, towel, or even bottom sits in sand or browsing.
This the last one is not included goods but very important, which is You may not shame and have to have sense of humour.