Dec 10, 2008

Travel vacation at bunaken,north Sulawesi-indonesia

If you have travel vacation plan, get holiday at north Sulawesi, northern Indonesian to constitute best option and you will never disappointed get holiday over there. My travel vacation at north Sulawesi have is more than 5 last years, but memory is beautiful is still feel until be now hopefully a while we can visit again, that my expectation.
There are many place which can be visitted at north Sulawesi, well aught isle sort, lake, event and culture and beach that really pretty available in here and of course the sun shines which warms to fresh add holiday atmosphere. And don't forget camera to take image. I come at this north Sulawesi pass through the's porting of Bitung which is located in Lembeh strait's port, because I by the way of oceanic. Yeah.. that is we a sailor …….
If you utilize plane, I perceive to pass through airport at singapore or domestic even airport at Indonesian as from Bali, Jakarta, Surabaya, Ujungpadang, such is Garuda Airlines's usa, Mandala Airlines, etc. For transportation and lodging or hotel even a lot of is met, so doesn't fear( no need pitches a tent.. he..)

One of that prettiest is bunaken' s national sea garden, It is only 30 minutes trip from Manado to Bunaken Island by speed boat. The Bunaken Sea Garden is very well known around the world is one of the most beautiful sea garden in the world, visited by foreign and domestic tourists because bunaken island, One of the worlds most beautiful coral environments, with an almost unbelievable variety of teeming sea life, superb visibility and spectacular scenery. Bunaken is the chief attraction of North Sulawesi specially for diver, with much of the best coral and so many different kind of fish, small and bigger.

Snorkellers too can enjoy the shallow reefs filled with clouds of colourful fishes,with also as time i go to WE's island,Sabang. Schooling pyramid butterfly fish are common along the reef crest.

3 thing who shall be tried at manado is 3B( Bunaken, Bubur manado, Bibir manado)/(bunaken, manado's pap, and is manado's lip), he.. he … it says friends of sailors … and B the latest (Bibir)/(lip) no need been tried …oke… but it was given up by you … and happy enjoy ………bond voyage. Source photo or image :


  1. the place is so beautiful and great shots!!!! I wish I could go and visit this wonderful place.

  2. Indonesia, heaven of the world

  3. hahaha...i've been trying all of those three B's...

  4. All About Samarinda

    Oh...very amazing scenery...

  5. What a great travel guide. Good work bro :-)

  6. wah, jd kngen tempat ini .. hikshiks ..

  7. Wow!!! thanks for sharing such lovely and beautiful places

  8. Sungguh indah ciptaan-Mu ya Allah..

  9. hiya^^
    ty sbb sudi drop kat blog sy..
    and i ady be ur followers^^
    ty agen and hope keep in touch K!

  10. asik yahhh.. jalan-jalan mulu..
    saia mau ke lombok ajah mikirnya 6 bulan.
    berikut belon jalan juga sampe sekarang. hehehe..

  11. Hi...Thank you for having a post about my place. Great Job!!

  12. ahhh... lotsa nice place for vacation!! hehe

  13. haiii
    lam knal

    blog kamuu juga bgus kokkk...

  14. Thanks very much for the interesting information about North Sulawesi Indonesia.

  15. selamat bakudapa jo...ngana pe manado jo?..

  16. ooohh.. I really want to dive in there..
    *wish one day.. hehe..

    salam kenal..

  17. Ooh very beautiful... I liked the coast!!! I was still wanting to go on the holiday..

  18. Next destinantion for next year :)
    Mo scuba diving disanaaaaa!!!! WAJIB!!!

  19. wah, keren banget nih Menado...
    aku pengen kesana...nanti sama temenku Rintjez aku mau kesana scuba diving bareng dia :D

    Makasih udah sharing yaaa.....

  20. looking forward to more travels!! =D u have a blessed christmas too!

  21. wah asik nih...pemandangannya sangat aduhai sekali..makasih yah dah berkunjung

  22. what a beautiful beach.... Bunaken

  23. what a beautiful beach.... Bunaken

  24. mantap ngn pe postingan apalagi itu 3 B hehehehe
    Lam kenal.....

  25. makasih dah mampir ke blogku ya mas..wah..aku dari dulu pengen bgt tuh ke bunaken..manado...waaa...mupeng abis...tapi lum kesampean nih... :(

  26. thanks sgala comment nya..indonesia memang indah..smoga kita bisa menjaga tuk anak-cucu-cicit-cucut..cccct..kita nanti..

  27. blog nya org manado ya..??
    Lam kenal ya

  28. Pingin lihat taman bawah lautnya nih..

  29. Wow..beautiful places..
    Thanks for sharing n nice blog.

  30. One word...beautiful place...
    Really, I like that...

  31. Bisa tukeran link ga? Salam knl...

  32. it's very beautiful places..

  33. bunaken mmg benar2 yahud...
    mantap banget...

  34. Bubur Manadonya Juga T.O.P
    Bahasa sana namanya Tinutu'an

    Bibir manadonya juga wah...
    cweknya cakep2.. xixixi

  35. I missed this place when I went to Bali, gotta get back and check out this place next summer

  36. Wonderful pics, under water pics is looking fantastic. Thanks for sharing this informative post and this beautiful post.

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